Monday, September 8, 2008

So much for "the plan"

A huge thanks to mizfit for checking in with me and cheering me on (see her comment on the last post). Now for the bad news.

Someone else had big plans for me. During my weekend away camping, and my grande finale of eating bad food amongst the beach and campfires, smores and popcorn dancing in my head, I got ill. Very, very ill and very fast. On Saturday, one minute I was on the beach with my kids, the next minute I had the chills, a fever and a very sore throat. Luckily, grandpa came to visit us and camp for the night, so I took his vehicle home, hoping my oil of oregano and lots of sleep would help. After feeling like I was swallowing razor blades all night, and no sleep, I went to the clinic on Sunday as soon as they were open.

"Oh my" the Doctor said as he peered into my throat. "Looks like a bad case of strep or worse" as he fumbles his fingers towards the glands under my jaw. He takes a swab, informs me that I may have Infectious Mononucleosis or Epstein Barr sydrome. I looked in the mirror before I went to the office, I could easily see huge patches of white gunk on my very large tonsils.

Great. Just great. Right now I am hoping for strep. It doesn't last as long (with mono or epstein barr I could be looking a few months sentence of chronic fatigue - I'm sure that will go over well at the gym).

This morning (monday) I hightailed it to the Lab to get bloodwork done and get the swab analyzed. They won't know for a few days on the swab and at least 4-5 days on the blood work. In the meantime I am begging that the Biactin (antibiotic) is working it's magic. Because right now I NEED A MIRACLE.

On a positive note, my last hurray, my goodbye to junk eating was never fully realized since eating peanut M&M's don't feel good on gooey infected tonsils. I am going to take this as a sign that it wasn't meant to be, and to move forward eating as healthily as I can while this passes. I will not give in, despite the massive road block put in my way.

Imagine, I have waited 4 LONG YEARS & 4 MONTHS (not including a bed-rested pregnancy) to have some time to myself. And this monday, 9/8/2008 was going to be my big BREAK.

Can you tell I'm pissed off?


PS - I'm off to drink ice water (it feels good on my throat) and lay like a vegetable. Just waiting. Gosh it feels like I am on bed-rest again. My god. Oh and if I don't feel better tomorrow, I'm off to see my regular GP.


SeaShore said...

Yikes! Hope you're feeling better soon. Take care.

new*me said...

Man, that sucks!!! Okay, I'm going to give you the silver lining...

Whenever I am really sick, when I do get better (and you will), I feel like a new woman. It's like seeing things in a whole new positive light. It's a wake up call to seize each healthy day of your life and make it work for you in the best ways possible. Come out of the darkness and step into the light.....

but until you are 100 percent, rest up, read something inspiring, and be kind to yourself!

Lyn said...

I am praying for your miracle Ginger!! Take it easy and I hope you start feeling better VERY soon.

WWSuzi said...

Hope you feel better soon!!